To learn more about the topics in A History of Portsmouth NH in 101 Objects, explore these bibliographies supplied by the authors and the Portsmouth Public Library.
Portsmouth Public Library bibliography to 101 Objects
Local History: Isles of Shoals
1664 Jackson House Hexfoil
Baker, Emerson W. The Devil of Great Island: Witchcraft and Conflict in Early New England. New York: Palgrave MacMillan, 2007.
Candee, Richard M. “Portsmouth’s Jackson House.” New Hampshire Profiles 24 (June, 1975): 36-40.
Candee, Richard M. Building Portsmouth: The Neighborhoods & Architecture of New Hampshire’s Oldest City. Portsmouth: Back Channel Press, 2006.
Conary, Alyssa G. A. “Behind the Devil’s Shield: Ritual Protection Marks on the Vernacular Architecture of Colonial New England.” MA thesis Salem State University, 2020.
1680s desk box and chest
Robert St. George, “American Classic No. 2: Have a Little Faith, Guys . . .” Maine Antique Digest (April 1979): 1C–3C.
Jonathan L. Fairbanks and Robert F. Trent, New England Begins: The Seventeenth Century, 3 vols. (Boston: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1982), 3: 536–37 (cat. no. 492).
Brock W. Jobe, ed., Portsmouth Furniture: Masterworks from the New Hampshire Seacoast (Boston: Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 1993), 44 (fig. 26); see also 89–91 (cat. no. 2).
Gerald W.R. Ward, Hollis Brodrick, and Lainey McCartney, Four Centuries of Furniture in Portsmouth, with the New Hampshire Furniture Masters (Portsmouth, N.H.: Portsmouth Marine Society Press for the Portsmouth Historical Society, 2017), 18 (cat. no. 1).
Anthony Wells-Cole and Karin Walton, Oak Furniture from Gloucestershire and Somerset (Leeds, England: Temple Newsam House, 1976)
Victor Chinnery, Oak Furniture: The British Tradition: A History of Early Furniture in the British Isles and New England, rev. ed. (Woodbridge, England: ACC Art Books, 2016).
1713 Peace Treaty
Treaty of Portsmouth website resources: bibliography
Portsmouth Public Library resources:
Adult Nonfiction: Native American Indigenous Voices
c. 1749=56 Tucker stoneware jug
Laura Calhoun, “Spring Hill and Other Portsmouth Maritime Jugs,” in Richard M. Candee, ed., Maritime Portsmouth: The Sawtelle Collection (Portsmouth, N.H.: Peter E. Randall for the Portsmouth Marine Society, 2011), 151; see also 182.
1750 Mollys table
Gerald W.R. Ward, Hollis Brodrick, and Lainey McCartney, Four Centuries of Furniture in Portsmouth, with the New Hampshire Furniture Masters (Portsmouth, N.H.: Portsmouth Marine Society Press for the Portsmouth Historical Society, 2017), 44–45 (cat. no. 6).
Patricia Q. Wall, Lives of Consequence: Blacks in Early Kittery & Berwick in the Massachusetts Province of Maine (Portsmouth, N.H.: Portsmouth Marine Society Press for the Black Heritage Trail of New Hampshire and the Portsmouth Historical Society, 2017), 51–56, 101.
Martha B. Katz-Hyman and Kym S. Rice, eds. World of a Slave: Encyclopedia of Material Live of Slaves in the United States, 2 vols. (Santa Barbara, Cal.: Greenwood, 2011).
1763 Moffatt-Ladd House & Garden
Barbara McLean Ward, (with Cheryl E. Cullimore, Stephanie R. Hewson, Jane C. Nylander, Carolyn P. Roy, and Gerald W.R. Ward) Moffatt-Ladd House & Garden: From Mansion to Museum (2007; rev. ed., Portsmouth, N.H.: Moffatt-Ladd House & Garden, 2018).
Barbara McLean Ward, (with Gerald W.R. Ward), “Setting for Revolution: The Moffatt-Ladd House Parlor” (unpublished manuscript, Portsmouth, N.H., 2021).
Barbara McLean Ward, “’Circumstances of Imperious Consequence’: Insecurity, Independence, and History in the Lives of the Women of the Moffatt-Ladd House,” Historical New Hampshire 61, no. 2 (fall 2007): 120–41.
Barbara McLean Ward, “The Moffatts of Portsmouth, New Hampshire and the Caribbean,” in Peter Benes, ed., New England and the Caribbean (Deerfield, Mass.: Historic Deerfield, and the Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, 2012), 59–73.
Barbara McLean Ward, “Setting for Revolution: The Moffatt-Ladd House Parlor,” in Pat Warner and Gerald W.R. Ward, eds., American History, Art, and Culture: Writings in Honor of Jonathan Leo Fairbanks (Brockton, Mass.: Fuller Craft Museum, 2018), 38–45.
Sarah L. Giffen and Kevin D. Murphy, eds., “A Noble and Dignified Stream”: The Piscataqua Region in the Colonial Revival, 1860–1930 (York, Me.: Old York Historical Society, 1992), 213–15 and passim.
Barbara McLean Ward, “An 18th-Century Parlor Brought to Life: The Artful Restoration of New Hampshire’s Moffatt-Ladd House,” Magazine of the Decorative Arts Trust 7, no. 1 (summer 2020): 16–19.
1763 Chinese Chippendale Chairs
Brock W. Jobe, ed., Portsmouth Furniture: Masterworks from the New Hampshire Seacoast (Boston: Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 1993), 306–9 (cat. no. 81).
Barbara McLean Ward (with Cheryl E. Cullimore, Stephanie R. Hewson, Jane C. Nylander, Carolyn P. Roy, and Gerald W.R. Ward), Moffatt-Ladd House & Garden: From Mansion to Museum (2007; rev. ed., Portsmouth, N.H.: Moffatt-Ladd House & Garden, 2018), 107.
Thomas M. Hardiman Jr., Money, Revolution, and Books: A Multi-Generational Perspective in the Portsmouth Athenaeum’s Library of John Fisher of London (Portsmouth, N.H.: Portsmouth Athenaeum, 2019), 60, 86–87.
Barbara McLean Ward (with Gerald W.R. Ward), “Setting for Revolution: The Moffatt-Ladd House Parlor” (unpublished manuscript,
Portsmouth, N.H., 2021).
1765 Wendell China Table
Gerald W.R. Ward and Karin E. Cullity, “The Furniture [at Strawbery Banke Museum],” Antiques 142, no. 1 (July 1992): 96 (pl. 4).
Gerald W.R. Ward and Karin E. Cullity, “The Wendell Family Furniture at Strawbery Banke Museum,” in Luke Beckerdite, ed., American Furniture 1993 (Milwaukee, Wis.: Chipstone Foundation, 1993), 241 (fig. 14).
Brock W. Jobe, ed., Portsmouth Furniture: Masterworks from the New Hampshire Seacoast (Boston: Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 1993), 52 (fig. 37); see also 223–31.
Thomas Chippendale, The Gentleman & Cabinet-Maker’s Director, 3d rev. ed. (London, 1762; reprint, New York: Dover, 1966), pl. 51.
Richard Lyman Bushman, “The Complexity of Silver,” in Jeannine Falino and Gerald W.R. Ward, eds., New England Silver and Silversmithing, 1620–1815 (Boston: Colonial Society of Massachusetts, 2001), 1–15. Also available online at (accessed July 2, 2022).
Rodris Roth, Tea Drinking in Eighteenth-Century America: Its Etiquette and Equipage, United States National Museum Bulletin 225, Contributions from the Museum of History and Technology (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1961), 1–30.
Sidney W. Mintz, Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History (New York: Viking Penguin, 1985).
Richard S. Dunn, Sugar and Slaves: The Rise of the Planter Class in the English West Indies, 1624–1713 (Durham: University of North Carolina Press, 1972).
James Walvin, Sugar: The World Corrupted from Slavery to Obesity (London: Robinson, 2017).
1779 Petition of Freedom
Valerie Cunningham, “That the Name of Slave Be Heard No More”: NH Slaves’ Petition for Freedom, 1779,” in Peter Benes and Jane Montague Benes, eds., Slavery/Antislavery in New England Dublin Seminar for New England Folklife, 2003 (Boston: Boston University Press, 2005).
Mark J. Sammons and Valerie Cunningham, Black Portsmouth: Three Centuries of African-American Heritage (Durham, N.H.: University of New Hampshire Press; London and Hanover, N.H.: University of New England, 2004), 63–67.
1812 Sunday Leg
How, L. B. (1941). The Story of the New Hampshire Medical Society told to 1854 by Lyman Bartlett How at the Centennial of the Society in 1891. (H. O. Smith, Ed.) Nashua: Phaneuf Press.
Langley, H. D. (1995). A History of Medicine in the Early US Navy. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Rutkow, I. (2010). Seeking the Cure: A History of Medicine in America. New York: Simon & Shuster, Inc.
Ship's Crew: Richard Fletcher Dunn. (2022). Retrieved April 30, 2022, from USS Constitution Museum: https://ussconstitutionmuseum.org/crew/richard-fletcher-dunn/
Spaulding, Lyman D. Dr. Spaulding’s Inaugural Address. Address Delivered at Fairfield at the Inauguration of the Officers of the College of Physicians and Surgeons. (1814). PPL- MS: 2015.2, box 1, folder 8, The Spaulding Papers, Portsmouth Public Library Special Collections, Portsmouth, N.H.
1813 Wendell Sideboard
Gerald W.R. Ward and Karin E. Cullity,” “The Furniture [at Strawbery Banke Museum],” Antiques 142, no. 1 (July 1992): 94 (pl. 1).
Gerald W.R. Ward and Karin E. Cullity, “The Wendell Family Furniture at Strawbery Banke Museum,” in Luke Beckerdite, ed., American Furniture 1993 (Milwaukee, Wis.: Chipstone Foundation, 1993),248–49 (fig. 26).
Brock W. Jobe, ed., Portsmouth Furniture: Masterworks from the New Hampshire Seacoast (Boston: Society for the Preservation of New England Antiquities, 1993), 190–92 (cat. no. 37).
W.J. Rorabaugh, The Alcoholic Republic: An American Tradition (New York: Oxford University Press, 1981).
Gerald W.R. Ward, American Case Furniture in the Mabel Brady Garvan and Other Collections at Yale University (New Haven, Conn.: Yale University Art Gallery, 1988), 413–31.
1876 Sarah Haven Foster
Women of Portsmouth, 2013.
1880 Celia Thaxter
Celia Thaxter : selected writings / edited and introduced by Julia Older.Publisher: Hancock, NH : Appledore Books, [1997?]
Sandpiper : the life & letters of Celia Thaxter, and her home on the Isles of Shoals, her family, friends & favorite poems / written & compiled by Rosamond Thaxter.Publisher: Hampton, NH : P.E. Randall, 1982
Among the Isles of Shoals / by Celia Thaxter.Publisher: Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 1915
Letters of Celia Thaxter / ed. by her friends A.F. and R.L.Publisher: Boston : Houghton, Mifflin, 1895
The poems of Celia Thaxter / introduction by Jane E. Vallier.Publisher: Portsmouth, N.H. : P.E. Randall Publisher, 1996
Celia Planted a Garden : The Story of Celia Thaxter and Her Island GardenPublisher: Candlewick Pr 2022
One woman's work : the visual art of Celia Laighton Thaxter / Sharon Paiva Stephan.Publisher: Portsmouth, N.H. : Peter E. Randall, [2001]
Beyond the garden gate : the life of Celia Laighton Thaxter / Norma H. Mandel.Publisher: Lebanon, N.H. : University Press of New England, [2004]
The island queen : Celia Thaxter of the Isles of Shoals : / Julia Older.Publisher: Hancock, N.H. : Appledore Books, [1994]
Poet on demand : the life, letters, and works of Celia Thaxter / by Jane E. Vallier.Publisher: Portsmouth, N.H. : P.E. Randall, [1994]
By this wing : letters by Celia Thaxter to Bradford Torrey about birds at the Isles of Shoals, 1888 to 1894 / edited by Donna Marion Titus.
Becoming bone : poems on the life of Celia Thaxter (1835-1894) / by Annie Boutelle.Series: University of Arkansas Press poetry seriesPublisher: Fayetteville : University of Arkansas Press, 2005
Letters to Celia : written during the years 1860-1875 to Celia Laighton Taxter by her brother Cedric Laighton / edited with notes and drawings by Frederick T. McGill.Publisher: Boston : Star Island Corp., 1972
1889 Frank Jones
Brighton, Ray. Frank Jones-King of the Alemakers. Portsmouth, NH: Peter E. Randall, 1976.
Knoblock, Glenn A. and James T. Gunter, Brewing in New Hampshire. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, 2004.
1905 Portsmouth Peace Treaty
Website resources bibliography
1938 Rock Rest rocker
Ellen Denker and Bert Denker, The Rocking Chair Book (New York: Mayflower Books, 1979), 148–51 and passim.
Christian G. Carron et al., Grand Rapids Furniture: The Story of America’s Furniture City (Grand Rapids, Mich.: Public Museum of Grand Rapids, 1998).
Gerald W.R. Ward, Hollis Brodrick, and Lainey McCartney, Four Centuries of Furniture in Portsmouth, with the New Hampshire Furniture Masters (Portsmouth, N.H.: Portsmouth Marine Society Press for the Portsmouth Historical Society, 2017), 73 (cat. no. 47).
Gretchen Sorin, Driving While Black: African American Travel and the Road to Civil Rights (New York: Liveright, 2020), 179–80, 220–26.
1945 Gilleys Diner
New Hampshire Diners: Classic Granite State Eateries by Larry Cultrera (American Palate Press)
1950 Rosary Cooper Beauty Salon Chair
Mark J. Sammons and Valerie Cunningham, Black Portsmouth: Three Centuries of African-American Heritage (Durham, N.H.: University of New Hampshire Press; London and Hanover, N.H.: University of New England, 2004), 169–72.
Noonan’s Catalog of Hairdressing Supplies and Equipment, Catalog no. 36 (Boston: T. Noonan & Sons Co., undated trade catalogue [ca. 1939]).